my why
I live for those in-between moments.
The second your eyes lock with your person as you approach the aisle.
The sweet smiles as you’re about to say “I Do” and the celebrating after the first kiss before you head back down the aisle.
Watching you fiddle with your rings while your family gets set up for photos.
and that little sway you’ll do starting your first dance.
Those little nose kisses between a mom and baby,
The way dad swings his toddler onto his shoulders.
The giant grin from their little one once they get up there.
The eye-roll of the teen as we set up yet another pose.
At the time, they may seem small, but at the end of it, those little moments are what put together the story of a life.
Making weird noises, showing off those embarrassing dance moves, walking around as your favorite dinosaur… mixed perfectly with soft snuggles and sweet smiles. My goal for each session is to make it fun. If you’re wondering, yes, the dinosaur moves can absolutely be incorporated during couple sessions. Sure we will get the traditional look at the camera, smile, say cheese poses. But my focus will be creating a comfortable environment so that kids can be kids, you and your honey can relax, and even the most camera-shy person can have a good time. All while getting some killer images.
About Me
I’m a mom to the coolest, sweetest, and funniest girl on the planet. Seriously, once while on the phone with her grandma reviewing some words for an upcoming spelling test, her grandma asked her to spell “basic”, the girl’s response… “Y O U”.
Together we live in the middle of nowhere Montana, where the deer become pets, bears in the yard are a regular occurrence, and cellphone service is nonexistent. While the nearest Target is over an hour away we still find a way to stay entertained. Entertainment sourced mostly from our goofy lab and our three, yes three, hell-raising cats.
The “How did I end up here”:
For now, I’ll just say that I’m happier than I ever could’ve imagined and it’s a pretty cool feeling.
Now for some random, potentially useless facts about me:
One of my most prized possessions is a mini waffle figurine that shares quotes from Parks and Rec with a push of a button.
“We need to remember what's important in life: friends, waffles, work. Or waffles, friends, work. Doesn't matter, but work is third.” Leslie KnopeThere isn’t a day in my life that I can remember going without chocolate and I have zero plans to change that.
I am a Netflix fiend and a movie quote queen. At this point, I am slightly worried that I no longer possess any original thoughts and instead speak only in random quotes from shows like New Girl, Schitt’s Creek, and Brooklyn 99.
Roller derby was the first sport I played that made me feel like I was part of a team. A really scary and kick-ass team. In case you were wondering, my name was Armando Roll (I’m on the roll.. get it?) and my number was 8008.
I still make an L with my hand to remember which way is left. Don’t even get me started on pointing north.
On the rare occasion that I drink, it’s either tequila or PBR. Pro-tip: Either one can be converted to a brunch beverage with enough orange juice.